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Free monitoring and analysis service of banner advertising
Our users have a special attitude towards your advertisement, as our service is absolutely free!
Impressions per month
Telegram subscribers
Advertising blocks
Affixation in Telegram
  • Clean audience The audience of our publics is as natural and “clean” as possible
  • Impression guarantee We do not delete posts / reposts for a week
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Affixation in the rating category
  • Pinned in 1, 2 or 3 positions
  • The CPA category has over 5,000 views per month
  • The attachment is provided with a 140x50 image and colorful advertising text.
  • The line is highlighted so that no one misses it
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Site background Branding
  • The default website background is replaced with the advertiser's background
  • More than 40 000 impressions in 2 weeks
  • No one will miss your ad
Find out the price Technical requirements for branding
Package Sponsor
  • Banner 300x35 in the profiles of all affiliate programs from this category
  • Large banner 250x250 - located to the right of the parameters of the affiliate program
Find out the price Technical requirements for banners
For questions advertising placement
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Any other contacts do not belong to the Spy.House team and can be scammers.